Colleagues, let’s eat!

Who does not know this – the everyday question from Monday to Friday among colleagues: “And, what are we going to eat for lunch today? 5 days a week we from the Falkensteiner office in Vienna ask ourselves this question. Inspired by the culinary guest performance of “Mochi“, one of the trendy restaurants in Vienna, in the Falkensteiner Schlosshotel Velden during the last summer months, we have recooked 3 Mochi dishes in the office. Let’s start Mochi-Monday number 1 at Falkensteiner!

Cold kitchen, warm body

On the first cooking Monday only the hot plate remains cold. A delicious, spicy tomato ceviche is served on the plate. Currently, there are still ripe, juicy tomatoes to buy and these will certainly bring a paradisiacal late summer pleasure into the lunch break. The fresh ginger lets the body feel a wonderful warmth from the inside, even if it is slowly getting cooler.

The early bird catches the shopping

Before entering the office, we quickly go to the market to get all the ingredients – there are not many:

  • 40 dag mixed tomatoes
  • 1 red onion, of which 1/4
  • 4 branches of coriander
  • 1 handful of mixed wild herbs
  • 10 g ginger
  • 60 g rice vinegar
  • 10 g soy sauce
  • 10 g sugar
  • 10 g sesame oil
  • 5 g Shichimi togarashi (a spice mixture of ground chili, sesame, hemp seeds, and some other Japanese spices – available in any well-assorted Asian store)

3, 2, 1… enjoy!

Score the tomatoes crosswise at the bottom, cut out the stem, and put it into a bowl. Pour hot water from the kettle over them and drain them after about 1 minute. Peel the tomatoes and, depending on their size, cut them into quarters, halves, or leave them whole.

For the marinade, peel the ginger and chop finely. Mix the rice vinegar and soy sauce with the sugar in a cup. Gradually add the sesame oil and stir in the ginger plus the shichimi togarashi. Pour over the tomatoes and leave to stand for at least 15 minutes.

Peel the red onion and cut into fine strips, wash the coriander and chop finely together with the stalks and fold in the tomato ceviche. Arrange the ceviche in small bowls and garnish with the washed wild herbs.

The indicated quantities are sufficient for 2 colleagues at lunch.

Fancy more office enjoyment?

Then you can already look forward to the next Mochi-Monday at Falkensteiner today!

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