Can I take my dog on holiday with me?

Summer brings with it the usual dilemma: Where to take your four-legged friend during the holiday season? We’ll show you how to experience wonderful moments together – without the pain of separation!
Picture of Giulio Belsito
Giulio Belsito
Nerd della geografia con una grande passione per i viaggi. Ama visitare luoghi remoti in tutto il mondo, vivere avventure e godersi la natura. Il motto di Giulio: viaggiare è l'unica attività che ti rende più ricco, anche se spendi soldi.

The thought of a summer holiday is always a source of great joy after the last holiday for most of us took place in winter, around Christmas. We simply look forward to switching off from the daily routine, clearing our heads, recharging our batteries and being pampered once again. It’s a nice idea, isn’t it? WOOF!

Woof, indeed. For those who have a dog, the dream of a summer holiday can raise some concerns. We clearly notice this in the enquiries and comments we receive on our social media channels and in the booking centre. We have an answer for you today. Or rather, two. Let’s start with the question we are asked most often:

Why are you allowed to take your dog to some Falkensteiner Hotels and not to others?

The answer is simple: because some hotels are particularly suitable and others are not for purely structural reasons. And because it is of course our aim to offer not only you and the other guests, but also your four-legged friends a stay of the highest standard, we only accept your pet where we are sure we can guarantee this. Service and comfort for all is our motto. There are also situations in which, if some hotels with a very large guest capacity were full and everyone also brought a dog, the conditions for a pleasant stay would no longer be given, e.g. for reasons of space, volume, etc.

In addition, there are some hotels with a very large number of outdoor activities for our guests, especially for the youngest ones. For example, there may be sports competitions, performances or group games for children, and we are very careful to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that no unpleasant situations arise. It should also be borne in mind that, although we all love animals, some guests (especially the youngest ones) may be afraid of them, and we certainly don’t want your four-legged friends to be in the room all the time – quite the opposite!

For this reason, we have decided to launch a programme called ‘Welcome Dogs’ to offer you a specific, professional service and provide numerous alternatives if your preferred Falkensteiner Hotel cannot accommodate dogs.

The Falkensteiner 'Welcome Dogs' concept

‘Welcome Dogs’ is a concept that is applied in 18 out of 31 of our Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences. If you take advantage of this service, you can forget your worries in no time at all, because your pet will be treated like royalty and can enjoy their holiday to the full!

Each hotel participating in the programme has its own particularities – we invite you to visit the website of the respective hotel and search for ‘Welcome Dogs’ in the Service & Information section. But in general, we always guarantee a welcome pack so that your dog is well looked after after travelling. This includes a blanket, food and water bowl and towels, we also have a dog bar with dog fountain at the entrance and provide suggestions for the best walks with your dog. In some hotels, we offer a dog walking service on request and for a fee if you are unable to look after your animal companion yourself during the day or have a busy programme planned. We can also put you in touch with a paid dog grooming service and the best vets in the region if required.

Of course, there are rules that you have to follow, even if you are travelling abroad. Please also check in advance which areas you are allowed to take your dog to and which you are not, such as spas.

With the Falkensteiner ‘Welcome Dogs’ service, you are guaranteed relaxation and many carefree moments for a small extra charge per day. There’s only one thing we can’t help you with: If your dog starts to snore. We are prepared for everything else.

There are plenty of moments you can enjoy together with your furry friends! Happy holiday planning.

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