Mindful vacation – Consciously relax on family vacation

Stress at work, household, children’s birthdays, and quite a few things that are on the to-do list. So the next vacation comes just in time. But as soon as you arrive, you don’t really want to relax on vacation either, and you ask yourself, what was that about mindfulness again? Mindfulness – Paying attention to […]

Funimation – no place for boredom

The word Funimation already says a lot about its meaning. “Fun” and “animation”, two words that stand for fun, action, and joy. This meaning is also at the forefront of the Falkensteiner Funimation houses. The Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences are divided into 3 brands: Funimation Collection Premium The brands partly address different target groups and […]

“Are we there soon?” 4 hiking games for tired kids on the mountain

The steps become slower, the first sighs can be heard and there it is, the question about the remaining walking time: “When will we finally be there? Anyone who is on a hiking tour with kids knows it: the moment when the mood threatens to tip over. The little ones don’t feel like it anymore […]

The best beach games for summer

Beach games are a dime a dozen. So whether we can really claim that we have found THE best? That’s ultimately for you to decide! Among our favorites, you will find only small and light games to take along on a plane that is not too susceptible to sand, wind, and water, and last but […]

Up the mountain! Family-friendly hiking trails in Carinthia and South Tyrol

Whether unusual plants along the way, mysterious animal tracks, or wildly fallen trees: when hiking with the little ones, nature becomes an exciting playground. If then at the end a snack or an action-packed adventure park awaits the little ones, hiking with the family becomes an unforgettable experience. In many adventure regions in Carinthia and […]

Home workout for the whole family – Part 1

Für ein kurzes, aber effektives, Workout wird nicht zwingend ein Fitnessstudio benötigt. Jeder von euch kann problemlos zu Hause „trainieren“ und so fit bleiben. Dafür habe ich für euch ein einfaches Workout für die gesamte Familie zusammengestellt, das ihr mehrmals die Woche daheim in eurem Schlafzimmer, Wohnzimmer oder bei Schönwetter auch auf dem Balkon ausführen […]

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