Funimation – no place for boredom

Picture of Carmen Peintner
Carmen Peintner
A South Tyrolean through and through, she embodies the "Dolce Vita" lifestyle like no other. Far away from pizza, pasta and aperitifs, her energy knows no bounds. Her happy dances on the beach, on the mountain or in Falkyland are infectious.

The word Funimation already says a lot about its meaning. “Fun” and “animation”, two words that stand for fun, action, and joy. This meaning is also at the forefront of the Falkensteiner Funimation houses.
The Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences are divided into 3 brands:

  • Funimation
  • Collection
  • Premium

The brands partly address different target groups and offer different services in addition to the standards.

Is everything packed – Have we forgotten anything?

The great stress before a vacation usually reaches its peak during packing. Parents are known to pack not only for themselves but usually also immediately for their little fellow travelers. In addition to the right clothes, the best, and above all-sufficient, entertainment must not be missing. It can happen in the hustle and bustle that you forget something. But: Club Funimation Hotels takes care of that, too! At the reception, there is plenty of children’s and baby equipment to borrow, and in the Falkensteiner stores, there is plenty to buy. So nothing stands in the way of a vacation in a Funimation Hotel – with or without your own travel gear 😉

Funimation – entertainment through and through

Funimation hotels are mainly aimed at families. There are offers for children of all ages. From babysitting, swimming lessons and treasure hunts to joint games and dances with the Falkensteiner mascot Falky, everything is on offer. Through the numerous recommendations supervised by trained entertainers, parents nevertheless find time for relaxation and togetherness. But not only parents can relax, but children also deserve some time out from the “everyday stress”. For this, we have the Falky Spa, where children can enjoy a relaxing massage or treatment. Well-deserved, of course, because the everyday life of a child is also very exhausting: playing so many games and making friends takes a lot of energy! ????

Please keep it down – No!

Loud screaming children, splashing around the pool, nagging because of boredom and difficulty to find food that tastes good to the child – who does not know these situations?
But all this is not found in Funimation houses, because here everyone can enjoy the time with their children and no one will receive complaints because of children. Children can be children and parents can enjoy a carefree vacation.

Welcome Home in Vacation Paradise

Stress-free and feeling as comfortable as in your own home, exploring new places, playing and laughing together, and enjoying your time, at the seaside or in the mountains, that’s vacation!
The following Falkensteiner Club Funimation hotels welcome you at any time:

  • Falkensteiner Club Funimation Katschberg (Carinthia)
  • Falkensteiner Club Funimation Borik (Dalmatia)
  • Falkensteiner Club Funimation Garden Calabria (Calabria)

Falkensteiner Club Funimation Hotels, are your wellbeing places without worries, where a beautiful family time can be enjoyed to the fullest surrounded by your loved ones.

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