Ode to the club holiday

Picture of Claudia Apel
Claudia Apel
Team Katze, selten offline. Mit viel Leidenschaft und wenig Planung bereist sie die Welt - seit 2017 ganz offiziell als Familie. Daher weiß sie, dass das Reisen mit Kleinkind manchmal mehr als Ortswechsel zu verstehen ist. Entspannung kommt dann später.

For many, club holidays are still the Kevin of holidays. One thinks of sloppy fries at the buffet, bawling tourists at Malle or loud animation programs. For many Austrians, scenes from the film Poppitz by Harald Sicheritz will soon appear before their inner eye. But: Club holidays are so much better than their reputation! That’s why we have 5 reasons for you today to spend your next relaxing holiday in a club…

1 Simply switch off

Individual trips are great, full of adventure and surprises. But they are above all one thing: planning intensive. After stressful times, many people tend to maintain their pace on holiday and fall into real leisure stress. And since 2020 has already kept us busy enough so far, how nice it is to simply switch off and enjoy. If the only date refers to the next exciting podcast episode or to the next chapter in the holiday reading you brought along. True to the motto: eat, sleep, repeat 🙂 You will see, after such a week without a plan and without stress you will feel like newborn.

2 Parental leave

Holiday for the whole family. Sounds perfect at first sight. The truth is that me-time is a scarce and sought-after commodity for parents even on holiday. Because as nice as the time spent together with the kids is, the energy contingent often goes a little bit apart. While the kids can often romp around for hours, the parents long for more peace and quiet.

Thanks to Falky Land and an age-appropriate children’s programme, the little ones are often busy for hours. Falky stands for everything that means play, fun and adventure when on holiday with children! In addition to great animation programmes, Falky’s loving childcare ensures that children have a fun time and parents can also really enjoy their well-deserved time out.

And, at dinner, the kids will tell the most exciting stories about their adventures 🙂

3 try something new

A balmy summer night beckons into the open air: Bars and clubs wait to be explored. And clubs also have a lot to offer in terms of sports: the first diving excursion? SUP, paddle tennis, floating yoga, piloxing or beach soccer? Good entertainment is provided in any case. On holiday, it’s all about switching off and briefly forgetting everyday life. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t experience anything: Our broadly diversified entertainment programme leaves nothing to be desired.

4 even more new

Of course, new things do not stop at activities. A club holiday is also the ideal opportunity to meet and get to know new great people – who knows, maybe there will be regular contact even after the holiday. At dinner or at the bar, during friendly conversations and with a glass of wine or two, one usually finds common ground and talks about the respective impressions of the previous holiday. But you can also meet nice people during a club holiday via the sports offer – here, common interests have already been established.

5 Everything under control

Mom, can I have another ice cream? Shall we go to the water park again? How much is the entrance fee? The costs for an eventful (family) holiday are often difficult to calculate.

Here, too, the club holiday scores points. Accommodation and meals are already paid before arrival. Thanks to the all-inclusive concept, there are also only a few additional costs on-site, which means that the budget can be planned very well and you hardly have to worry about money during your holiday. Here and there a little tip, maybe a bottle of wine in the evening, the one or other excursion or some shopping budget – more is not added.

Do you now feel like relaxing and getting to know the clubs of Falkensteiner? Here you can find more information about the Falkensteiner Club Funimation Borik in Croatia, the Falkensteiner Club Funimation Garden Calabria in Italy or the Falkensteiner Club Funimation Katschberg.

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