“Es lebe das Leben am Meer” – Interview with Paul Ivic about TIAN Bistro am Meer

Picture of Sarah Parzer
Sarah Parzer
Kommunikation ist ihre Leidenschaft und ihr Beruf. Hört man ihre Stimme mal nicht durch das Büro schallen, ist sie vermutlich auf Reisen mit ihrem Campervan-Oldtimer Louis. Als Sternzeichen Krebs zieht es sie dazu so oft es geht ans Meer. Als Snackspertin ist es ihre Mission, die besten Pommes der Welt zu identifizieren – eine Aufgabe, die sie sehr ernst nimmt.
Long live a new taste of the coast! With the sound of the waves in your ears, the TIAN team will be serving vegetarian and vegan dishes at the “TIAN Bistro am Meer” from 1 June to 18 September 2022 at the Falkensteiner Resort Punta Skala. In keeping with their TIAN philosophy, Chef de Cuisine Paul Ivic and his team work closely with producers from the region. Inspired by the Croatian summer, many new surprises, but also some classics, are served as part of the sharing menus. The kitchen virtuoso answered our questions for an interview:
  • “Es lebe das Leben am Meer” – what was the inspiration for this slogan?
We celebrate life. Our daily business is something very much alive. We are always in motion and work closely with people and nature.
  • TIAN Bistro am Meer is already listed as one of the top restaurants in Croatia, how was the experience of opening a vegetarian restaurant in Croatia?
Very exciting, time-consuming, and beautiful. The feedback we get from our guests and the media is very nice. Also, the cooperation between my team under the leadership of Florian Burtscher and the great Falkensteiner team is a pleasure. It is exciting to see how men in particular are still hesitant about a purely vegetarian or vegan dinner and how they leave our bistro smiling and satisfied afterwards.
Paul Ivić – Chef de Cuisine
A new opening or implementation with our way and approach to gastronomy is very time-consuming.
  • Local, sustainable, and organic ingredients are the requirement for your cuisine, how difficult or easy is it to find the right partners?
The right partners are very important to us. Because their exceptional, good work influences our business a lot. Behind every product and food are people who invest a lot of time and effort. Holistically, our eating and buying behaviour has a strong impact on our environment, our economy, our social behaviour as well as our health. Finding partners who share the same values requires patience, endurance, and constant exchange. In this way, you learn from each other and, above all, you can adopt and deepen new knowledge. I think it is also enormously valuable for the gastronomy and hotel industry to integrate the region into its work and strengthen it.
  • Why is the concept of sharing menus so important for TIAN Bistro am Meer?
Because for me it has its roots in Croatia. When we visited my grandparents, I loved the vitality and sociality of food. It’s part of my DNA and part of my longing. Sharing Moments.
  • TIAN already has four Gault Millau toques, a Michelin Green Star and a Michelin Star and is already known as one of the best vegetarian restaurants in the world, what are the plans?
We want to develop further. There are many different areas where we want to improve every day. Our drive is to contribute through our actions to bring about a change in the awareness of our resources. In doing so, the taste is our strongest ally.
  • What is your favourite spice?
Untreated salt. It is not only a seasoning but also provides us with essential minerals. When salt is used correctly, it enhances the flavour of the food.
  • 3 words that mean Croatia to you?
Partially my roots – home
  • Thank you for taking the time to visit us and we wish you continued success with the TIAN Bistro am Meer at the Falkensteiner Resort Punta Skala!

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