Traveling with the faithful companion

Picture of Carmen Peintner
Carmen Peintner
A South Tyrolean through and through, she embodies the "Dolce Vita" lifestyle like no other. Far away from pizza, pasta and aperitifs, her energy knows no bounds. Her happy dances on the beach, on the mountain or in Falkyland are infectious.
He waits until you get home from work. He waits until you get up in the morning. He is happy every time he sees you and notices exactly when you are not doing so well. He is called “man’s best friend”. Exactly, we are talking about dogs. Dogs are usually like another member of the family and are always with you. They are cared for and looked after as if they were a toddler. And accordingly, you spend a lot of time with your four-legged companions. But when it comes to vacations, it’s not always that easy.

That is the question here!

Is the dog welcome in the hotel? If not, who will take care of him? Can the dog accompany me or must he stay in the room? Why should bigger dogs be more dangerous and dirty than small dogs? Are the rooms thoroughly cleaned of dog hair after the dog guest has left? Are there any special offers for the dog? All these are questions that the dog owners, but also the hotels ask and we give answers to them in our article!

The dog also needs a vacation

Of course, not all people are dog lovers, many are afraid, some have allergies and some just don’t like dogs. Also in hotels, it is not always easy, because many different people meet, which do not all have the same interests and views. In addition, many are very critical, because, in the rooms, where the dogs of course also stay, a lot of dog hair can be found, which is not always very easy to remove. In addition, some may find it disturbing if a dog barks.
Nevertheless, it is becoming a bigger issue to travel with dogs in order to have the four-legged friends close by even on vacation. Some also urgently need the presence of the dogs. For example, there are dogs that show blind people the way and warn them of danger. But also in case of illness dogs can be an important companion and warn you in time if something is wrong. In many hotels, these dogs are taken as an exception, because people depend on the dogs. But what do these dogs have that other dogs do not have?
Often you can also find hotels that accept only “small” dogs and do not welcome large dogs. But why is that? Do big dogs make more dirt, or are big dogs more dangerous? All these are just prejudices that, if you think about it for a moment, make no sense at all. Small dogs lose fur just like big ones, they have to eat, walk and sleep just the same and whether a dog is dangerous or not does depend on its size.

Carefree through the vacation

More and more often the search term “vacation with dog” is looked for on the Internet and it trundles very many hits on this question. The dog belongs with many to the family and must go on vacation. Many do not want to and can not simply put him in a kennel or ask neighbors and relatives who take care of the faithful companion. Of course, there are not many hotels where only guests with dogs are allowed, but still, some hotels welcome dogs. In order to please all guests, however, there are usually a few rules that should not disturb any guests and allow everyone to enjoy their vacation contentedly:

  • The dog is kept on a leash in all public areas.
  • You should find out in which areas the dog is allowed and in which areas it is not allowed – if the information has not already been given by the hotel.
  • In the restaurant, you should ask if you can get a table away from the hustle and bustle (so the dog is not distracted and can sit under the table)
  • In the room, the dog should not get into the bed
  • If you notice that other guests are afraid, keep the dog on a tight leash so that the guest feels safer.
Should these points be observed, it will be a relaxed and problem-free vacation.
Pampering and rest for all! Of course, you must not forget about the well-being of the dogs, because they should also be allowed to relax and enjoy the vacation. Thus, there should also be offers for dogs. Already with the arrival the dog is not to be ignored, one can offer a small treat to the dog with the agreement of the owner and if it is right for the owners, also a stroke gives, thus dog and guest notice immediately that they are welcome and feel well. Also drinking places in the hotel distributed are very practical – thus one must not always take along the own drinking bowl of the dog so that this can quench its thirst. Furthermore, a dog blanket in the room is practical, so the dog knows exactly where his place is and where he sleeps and can relax. However, you should always keep in mind that you, as a hotel employee, are a stranger to the dog and should always seek the dog’s proximity only upon the owner’s consent. After all, owners know their companions best and also bear responsibility for them.
Dog owners also want to have a great outing, so it is recommended that the reception staff also have tips and recommendations ready for guests with canine companions. And at the end of the day, the owners may also want to relax for a few hours in the spa area or enjoy dinner – without the dog! Meanwhile, the dog can also relax super in the room or be passed on to dog care organized or offered by the hotel.
At the end of the day, everyone should be happy, dog owners, guests without dogs, and of course the dog itself. We also already have some “Welcome Dogs” hotels where dogs are welcome! For example, we have the following “Welcome Dogs” hotels in the mountains:
  • Falkensteiner Schlosshotel Velden
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Schladming
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Antholz
and also “Welcome Dogs” hotels by the sea:
  • Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera
  • Falkensteiner Premium Camping Zadar
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Adriana
  • Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Jesolo
More information about what awaits your favorite four-legged friends in our hotels can be found here! We are already sure that your upcoming vacation with your dog will certainly be “wooftastic”.

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