What a beautiful morning. The birds are chirping and the sun is laughing from the sky. Falky is standing in front of his vacation home doing his daily gymnastics exercises to get him going. Because Falky has a lot to do today, as he has invited his friends to a party. He wants to bake his famous carrot cupcakes (or muffins) for them.

Falky, whistling happily to himself, makes his way to his garden behind the house. What has happened here? Falky can’t believe his eyes. It looks as if a bomb had hit here. Everything had been trampled and – oh horror – all the carrots were gone! Not even a single one was still in the ground…

“Those were surely the two rabbits Olli and Liz! Woe betide me if I catch them!”, Falky grumbled to himself and already he was trudging furiously towards the forest to find the two rascals. Falky calls out to them quite loudly but gets no answer. “They must have hidden from me!”, Falky listens quite tensely – but not a mewl is heard. How strangely quiet it is…
Then Falky heard the soft whisper, “Falky, here we are!” The whisper came from the hollowed tree trunk – and right – there were Olli and Liz. They were shaking from their little tails to the tip of their rabbit ears, stuttering excitedly, “FaFaFalky – thththere was a giant green dragon! He ate the carrots! Rabbit’s paws’ honor.”
“A dragon – you swindlers! That has to be the stupidest excuse! Come out and now help me pick wild berries so I can bake wild berry cupcakes. After all, they taste delicious.” Soon the three had their bowls full and then they headed for Falky’s house. While the two rabbits cleaned up the garden, Falky’s good mood returned as he stirred the batter. Soon the whole house smelled and Falky put the first wild berry cupcakes on the window sill to cool. Already Falky is pushing the second tray into the tube. When he turned around and looked at the window, he couldn’t believe his eyes again! “I don’t believe it! Hey, who stole my cupcakes?”
Falky leans out of the window and a huge green hand grabs him and pulls him out of the window. Falky thinks he is dreaming, but then he already feels the big, fat, wet smack on his cheek and hears the deep voice: “Best Falky! It’s true what the birds chirp from the trees! You bake the very best cupcakes! I hear you’re having a party with your friends today? You’re inviting me – right?”

Now it was Falky who stammered, “B-B-But of c-c-course I’ll invite you!” The dragon trotted off, satisfied. Now Ozzi and Liz stormed along excitedly, “We told you! It was the dragon!” The two now helped bake lots and lots of cupcakes. It turned out to be the most wonderful party the friends have ever had. And in the middle of it all sits the green dragon, smacking his lips.
dragon. Who can believe it?
Oops, Falky has already woken up! The forest is called Dragon Forest from this day on, and Falky’s cupcakes he affectionately calls the Dragon Cakes.