Candlelight, good wine, and the perfect dinner. The dessert was delicious, the last sip of vino is drunk. The bill, please!
What sounds like a standard procedure in a trusted restaurant can quickly end in a fiasco on vacation. Because although in this country the tip is given “on top” depending upon discretion and more or less belongs to the good clay/tone, this rule can be interpreted quite differently in different countries and regions.
To put it in a nutshell: Unlike in the U.S., for example, where service personnel is more or less dependent on tips, more “humane” working conditions prevail on this side of the Atlantic. Nevertheless, you can still show your appreciation for good service in “good old Europe.
If you are satisfied with the service on vacation and want to show your gratitude for exquisite service, we will tell you in this article how tipping is handled in our vacation destinations. So that your perfect dinner doesn’t involve any drama 😉
Land of mountains, land of rivers – the land of tipping, better not without. Anyone who dines and drinks here probably knows the – albeit unofficial – golden rule: 10 percent of the consumption amount should be added and handed over to the service staff when paying the bill.
If you are really satisfied with the service you have provided, the staff will be happy to receive not only compliments and thank-you notes, but also a “personal touch” in the form of a tip: While in some establishments it is customary to divide the collected tip by the number of employees, in other restaurants employees are allowed to keep their additional earnings completely. And if there is nothing to complain about, they are happy about a little extra.
Italy and Croatia
In the more southern neighbors Italy and Croatia the customs are partly somewhat different: In restaurants, it belongs to the standard procedure that guests pay extra for the ready place setting as well as bread at the table. This (usually small) amount is noted separately on the bill and at least comes close to a tip.
Who is not enough and who would like to express a large thanks, leaves up to two euro on the table. However, this must be done in cash in any case – when paying with a debit or credit card, only the “mandatory amount” is paid. For cab rides, rounding up is standard.
Czech Republic and Slovakia
In the Czech Republic, our neighbor to the north, and in Slovakia, the eastern part of Austria, tipping is the same as in Austria: You should reckon with 10 percent of the price to be paid for the respective service – but of course only if you are really satisfied with the service rendered.
If you are out and about and buy a caffeinated hot drink or a Baumkuchen, you will give the selling parties the greatest pleasure with a rounded-up amount.
But be sure to check if the bill already includes a service charge. If it does, you’re all the freer to give the service staff another bonus.
Tipping is also welcome in Serbia but is less common than in other countries. While the “magic” 10 per cent is considered a good guideline in other destinations, this measure is almost “too much of a good thing” in Serbia.
Serbs are less likely to see tips as a gratuity than as a reward – and 10 per cent means the highest level of satisfaction on the part of the guest.
If you stay in a range between 5 and 10 per cent, you will do little or nothing wrong.
In a world where you can be anything: be kind
As you can see, there are no fundamental differences between tipping at home and in our dream destinations. Therefore, always remember that behind every service you receive with a smile, there is a person who makes an effort and is happy to receive a thank you in whatever form!