Passing time on the gondola ride: 10 tips

Picture of Carmen Peintner
Carmen Peintner
A South Tyrolean through and through, she embodies the "Dolce Vita" lifestyle like no other. Far away from pizza, pasta and aperitifs, her energy knows no bounds. Her happy dances on the beach, on the mountain or in Falkyland are infectious.

Wonderful, these perfectly groomed slopes. In your mind, you are already flying down the slope with wonderful turns. But before that becomes reality, you have to be patient. First, you have to go up the mountain – usually in a gondola, and this trip can take ages. To make sure this doesn’t happen, we have 10 tips for you on how to make the gondola ride more bearable!

  • Tip 1: Create memories

So that you can concentrate fully on the slopes afterward, why not use the gondola ride to take great souvenir photos with your loved ones? The snow-covered landscape in the background, smiling faces in focus – what more could you want? And above all, there’s enough time to make funny faces and collect a great memory of a perfect day of skiing. So 3, 2, 1, laugh!

  • Tip 2: Get ready to ski

It’s best to use the gondola ride to prepare for the first descent. A quick check to make sure you have all the essentials with you. For example, you can take off your jacket, gloves, and helmet during the gondola ride and only put them on at the end of the ride. This way you can avoid getting cold as soon as you get off the gondola. But to be able to start right away, you can also tighten your ski boots so that you only have to jump into your skis and start skiing.

  • Tip 3: Enjoy the landscape

So that you can concentrate fully on skiing on the slopes, it is advisable to enjoy the snow-covered landscape during the gondola ride. The white treetops, the animal tracks in the snow, and the snow-covered mountain peaks that adorn the horizon. There are also various apps that can tell you exactly which mountain peaks you are admiring. With so many peaks to choose from, it’s easy to get confused!

  • Tip 4: Planning is the key

If you are traveling as a group and the ski area is new to you, grab a map of the ski area at the valley station and check out which slopes you want to ski. The ski areas are often very large and it’s easy to get lost. Since everything in winter dress looks pretty much the same, it’s best to always discuss which slope you want to ski next so that you can stay together as a group. Since the network on the mountain isn’t always good enough to make phone calls, you’ll save a lot of time and can ski one more slope or enjoy a break in a hut more.

  • Tip 5: Let’s sing

To shorten the waiting time, a little music always helps. Play your favorite hits and sing along – as long as you don’t disturb other passengers! But be careful: we don’t recommend dancing to it, as you should sit quietly in the gondola so that it doesn’t start rocking too much. So it’s better to stick to singing before you unnecessarily prolong the waiting time when the gondola has to be stopped because of the rocking. 😊

  • Tip 6: Snacks for the small appetite

The gondola ride offers enough time to satisfy your small appetite. As skiing can also be very strenuous, it is also advisable to fill up on energy to gather new strength for the next slopes. Energy bars or a bit of fruit are ideal for this. But save your hunger for lunch, because there are plenty of delicacies at the ski huts that you won’t want to miss. Rubbish is taken away, of course, so that the next passengers can also enter a clean gondola!

  • Tip 7: Fresh on the slopes

Many don’t want to admit it, but girls you know, even when skiing we care about how we look. So make sure you’re comfortable, and if you have to, use the gondola ride to freshen up and take a little breather. Straighten your helmet, adjust your jacket (maybe after a little fall, happens to all of us, right? 😉 ), knock off the snow and you’re done. Ready to feel the wind in your face again as you ski down the mountain.

  • Tip 8: Watch

You can also learn a lot by watching! You can watch skiers from the gondola and maybe pick up a trick or two that you’ll want to try right away. Of course, there are also many people who are just learning to ski and this can always cause a few laughs. But always keep in mind that you were a beginner once and certainly didn’t ski down the slope perfectly the first time.

  • Tip 9: Play games

There are lots of games that you can also play spontaneously in the gondola. For example, “I’m packing my ski backpack with…” or “Who am I?” is the perfect pastime and provides lots of fun. But watch out, don’t miss the exit. 😊

  • Tip 10: Pure Romance

A gondola ride can also be quite romantic. Enjoying togetherness, silence, and being surrounded by the snow-covered landscape. It has already happened that the atmosphere was used for a romantic kiss, a romantic declaration of love, but also for romantic marriage proposals. For marriage proposals, I’m sure the team on site will support you with decorations and the right liquid base! With so much romantic buzz going on, I would still recommend that you check out the

clothes, because it can get quite cold in the gondolas, and the windows are (mostly) without privacy screens.

After all the great tips, nothing stands in the way of a great day of skiing and there is no more “annoying” waiting in the gondolas. But I would still like to say one thing: always behave in the gondolas in such a way that you don’t disturb your fellow passengers and that every passenger feels comfortable. But now, enjoy the slopes, the snow, and the beautiful landscape, and take care of yourself!

Oh, by the way, Falkensteiner also has some hotels in the immediate vicinity of the slopes, where you are always welcome and can enjoy your time off the slopes to the full:

  • Falkensteiner Hotel Cristallo
  • Falkensteiner Club Funimation Katschberg
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Schladming
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Montafon
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Kronplatz
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Antholz
  • Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Carinzia

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