Hidden Gems at the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera

A journey through retreats under olive trees, sun terraces, Mediterranean garden areas and dinner spots with breathtaking sunsets. Welcome home to the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera!
Picture of Theresa Groiss
Theresa Groiss
Liebt es zwischen aufregenden Wiener-Stadtmomenten und erholsamen Auszeiten im Salzkammergut zu pendeln. Immer mit dabei: der passende Snack für zwischendurch. Egal ob für eine sportliche Skitour in den Österreichischen Bergen oder bei einem sonnigen Badetag an der Wiener-Donau.

The word ‘arriving’ has a very special meaning at the Falkensteiner Resort Punta Skala. Anyone arriving here and unpacking their suitcases will find themselves in a place of complete relaxation. Wait, a resort? You read that right! Our Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera is one of many very individual puzzle pieces in our premium resort and invites you to let go and enjoy the unique flair of coastal life with tailor-made holiday experiences.

Beach sections for mermaids and mermen

Along the coast of our resort is a stretch of beach with natural pebbles including secluded platforms that invite you to relax and take a dip in the sea. There are many small retreats to discover among the rocks.

SECRET TIP: We have prepared cosy sun loungers for you to spend a relaxing day by the sea.

Falkensteiner Resort Punta Skala
Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera

Shady relaxation under olive trees

Those who prefer natural shade will find what they are looking for in our outdoor relaxation area at the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera. Under shady olive trees and surrounded by Mediterranean herbs, you can retreat and enjoy privacy in a natural environment.

NOTE: It’s not far to cool off: the outdoor pools are just a few steps away. You even have a direct view of the sea from the infinity pool.

Sundowner, the sound of the sea and drinks

Before we surprise you with culinary delights, we’ll take you to two magical places in the resort. The sun terrace at the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera – or more precisely the Sotto Voce Lounge Bar – lends your stay a Mediterranean lightness with its small seating areas and cosy pouches. Exquisite cocktails and good music do the rest.

Our Hide Out Bar right by the sea, where you can watch the sunset with a good drink, certainly has the potential to become a favourite spot in the resort.


To make sure you can really enjoy your holiday...

… we are now giving you up to -20 % on overnight stays at the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera for two or more nights. You can find all the details and conditions of the deal here.

Exquisite cuisine right by the sea

Another tip is our seafood restaurant Bracera, where freshly caught delicacies from the Mediterranean are transformed into an exquisite dinner. Bracera is a wonderful alternative to the hotel restaurant ‘Jadran’ where you are surrounded by fresh sea air for dinner.

Small fairy lights and lovingly placed pieces of furniture on different levels will turn your summer evening into something special. Those who prefer to choose culinary highlights from the menu for lunch will also find what they are looking for.


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