Beat Feuz – A skiing athlete retires

Picture of Sarah Parzer
Sarah Parzer
Kommunikation ist ihre Leidenschaft und ihr Beruf. Hört man ihre Stimme mal nicht durch das Büro schallen, ist sie vermutlich auf Reisen mit ihrem Campervan-Oldtimer Louis. Als Sternzeichen Krebs zieht es sie dazu so oft es geht ans Meer. Als Snackspertin ist es ihre Mission, die besten Pommes der Welt zu identifizieren – eine Aufgabe, die sie sehr ernst nimmt.

Olympic champion, world champion, and 4-time overall winner in the downhill World Cup. A total of 16 victories and now testimonial at the Falkensteiner Hotel Montafon. Beat Feuz has already been able to celebrate many successes. On Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, the athlete ended his career in Kitzbühel – the place where he scored his greatest victories. In the interview, he talks about his private vacation preferences and why his children should rather not become ski racers.

  • How does the cooperation of a Swiss ski racer and the Falkensteiner hotel group come about, what was the incentive for you to enter into this connection?

There are several reasons for that: As a ski racer, I was on the road a lot and often stayed in hotels, so a certain level of comfort was important to me. With Falkensteiner as a family business that delivers this quality and at the same time conveys a feeling of being at home, it fits quite well. Besides, I have a family myself and I’m really looking forward to taking them to the hotel. Plus, the hotel is right next to a great family ski area, with the ski lift within walking distance. So that’s a match in all areas.

  • What offers does the Falkensteiner Hotel Montafon have that particularly appeal to you as a sportsman?

Just the fact that I can take my family with me. Ski racers are on the road a lot and often have a lot of stress. A place where I can relax together with my girlfriend and my children is really great. Of course, you can also relax at home, but in a hotel, it’s another level of relaxation.

  • You’ve been living in Austria for a few years now, how connected do you feel to your neighboring country?

I like it here very much, I’ve settled in wonderfully and hope that many Swiss people will also take advantage of the close location to Switzerland and come to the beautiful Montafon. I like being a link between the two countries and like the ski races here.

  • You have raced successfully in many races, achieving a total of 16 victories yourself. Which of these was your most emotional victory?

There are a few, but with the world title at home in front of my own fans in 2017, the emotions were intense. A lot was expected of me, there were 40,000 people waiting at the finish line, all hoping for my victory. So the pressure was great and when I actually came first, that was a very special moment.

  • Will your children follow in your footsteps?

Personally, I hope not. I would like them to enjoy skiing and have fun doing it. My 4-year-old daughter is already very good on skis. But I would never take racing for granted. Especially as a father, the danger of accidents is even greater. If they do it as a hobby, I am very satisfied.

  • As a final question, we are of course very interested in: How does a ski racer go on vacation?

Quite differently, to be honest. But it’s more to the mountains than to the sea. My girlfriend and I like to do sports, and we still like to go out in the snow in the spring. We especially like Norway. A few days where we just relax are always part of it, too. We’re in good hands with Falkensteiner, whether it’s a family vacation or just time for two. But two weeks of relaxation at a stretch wouldn’t be for us, that would be too boring.

We thank you for the interview and wish you good luck for the exciting time that now awaits you.

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