Edutainment at Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences

Together with Falky and his friends in the animation teams, children learn something new every day with lots of fun and ease during their holiday at Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences. In harmony with the surrounding nature and unique regional features, an exciting animation programme is created for both young and old.
Picture of Leonie Rocek
Leonie Rocek
Airliner-Kind, das Reisen wurde ihr bereits in die Wiege gelegt. Das letzte Abenteuer ist noch nicht lange her, steht das Nächste bereits in Planung. Fremde Kulturen entdeckt sie am liebsten über die Kulinarik und vergisst auch nie die essbaren Souvenirs. Zuhause ist Kochen die große Leidenschaft, Essen ihre Love Language und Backen bedeutet sowohl Meditation als auch kreatives Austoben. Wenn sie gerade nicht unterwegs ist, oder in der Küche steht, powert sie sich beim Krafttraining aus, liest einen spannenden Krimi, oder dreht eine Laufrunde in der Natur – am Liebsten in Begleitung der Familienhündinnen Mimi und Greta.

Only in Falky Land

“Na na na na na – welcome at Falky Land…” This is the sound you hear in the evenings at the children’s disco in Falky Land. Before the lively dancing and celebration begins every evening, there is an incredible amount to discover during the day in best company. While kids of all ages spend joyful days of holiday and are entertained by a fantastic team of animators, they learn something new every day. This way, the best of both worlds is combined during vacation, and playful learning is packed with lots of fun – that’s what we call edutainment!

Edutainment = Education + Entertainment

Education and entertainment make up the edutainment concept at Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences. The animation programme in the hotels focuses on nature, sports, science and research, creativity, and games. Combined with educational Montessori approaches, arts and crafts, and exciting experiments in the hotel’s own science labs, an engaging edutainment programme is created for children of all ages. Tailored to the surrounding nature, regional conditions, and local features, the edutainment programme is complemented by the ecotainment concept, which combines the environment with entertainment. This way, children of all ages learn something new every day during their holiday with playful ease.

On discovery tour through nature

At the Falkensteiner Hotel Montafon, the interactive programme raises awareness of the unique natural conditions in the mountains. Even the youngest guests explore the environment playfully, solve challenging treasure hunts, and participate in exciting STEM workshops. Against the impressive natural backdrop, children discover the power of water, get to know the Montafon stone sheep, and let off steam at the outdoor playground.

Maritime adventures for kids in Croatia

While in Vorarlberg the focus is on mountain nature, children at the Falkensteiner Family Hotel Diadora in Croatia dive into the depths of the water world. Falky and his friends accompany the kids on adventures about sustainability and the need to protect maritime ecosystems. The mind is also engaged in workshops in the hotel’s own science labs, where creative experiments can be tried out and children can step into the role of researchers. The variety continues with numerous academies offering athletic challenges and new skills to learn. Whether it’s horse riding, climbing high, or training for an aspiring football career – with so many great activities, a refreshing dip in the sea is well deserved!

Action for the whole family

At the Falkensteiner Family Resort Lido in South Tyrol, there is variety throughout the house and beyond: from the kids’ village to the waterslide with timekeeping, the unique Valo Jump trampoline world, the year-round ski slope from the roof of the hotel up to the rooftop sky adventure park, there is much to discover, making the holiday a highlight for the whole family. Here too, the animation programme focuses on edutainment and ecotainment. Even the youngest guests experience unforgettable holiday moments with lots of action, fun, and new skills in the versatile programme. Depending on their interests, the days can be spent in the creative workshops, as nature detectives, or in the sports hall. New adventures can also be experienced every day of the holiday at the hotel’s own sandy beach and bathing lake, in the adventure forest, or along the Pustertal cycle path!

An all-round feel-good experience

Whether by the sea or in the mountains: holidays should be fun, filled with good spirits, and ideally, end every evening with countless memories of exciting experiences. This is exactly what children can experience at our family hotels thanks to the edutainment and ecotainment programme. With that in mind, we wish you a wonderful holiday!

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